
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Graduation Party

Woo-Hoo! A million pageviews! Thanks to everyone who visits, likes these posts and especially those who comment.

And thanks to Totaldiscord for the idea for this one.


  1. Love it! Your captions about are fantastic! Poor, poor Bobbi haha.

    Congrats again on your million views! Somebody sure is popular :)

  2. WesMantooth , i love love yout blog and hope to see new stuff for a long time. i appreciate what you do. Something happened to either the way you are posting your pics or my comp and i cant read them anymore, which sucks. I can click on them but the words are still way to small. If i save them and blow em up the words are too pixelated. Please contact me, maybe you have a solution or a suggestion, if its happening to me probably others too. I loveyour work and dont want to miss any. Please contact me at

    Hope to hear from you,
    with warmth and tingles,
