
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Elena Starz's Custom Caption prize

Elena wanted a caption that focused on a sissy being forced to go to the salon for a make-over, with most of the focus on the salon experience.
We had just completed "Working Bois" when I made this for her so I wanted to do something cool or unexpected with the layout that I've been using. I used beauty care products as my corner markers but I think it looks cheesy - like I just pasted in clipart - so I made a more simple one as well. I'll post both. Which one do you like better?

Scroll down a few posts to "Plan B and be sure to vote for the theme of my next caption contest. It's seriously super close right now with five of the options separated by a vote or two. Make sure your opinion is heard.


  1. Hmm....actually, I sort of think having the beauty products pasted over the white corner pieces on the top version would have looked pretty interesting. You might have had to shrink/rotate them a bit to fit, but I kind of like the idea of having products on the corners. It feels like a nice touch; sort of a finishing detail.

    In fact, the next time I do a caption involving surgery/lip injections, I think I'll try to add syringes and silicone implants as a framing device. My caps look so simplistic anyway, they could use a bit of dressing up, so to speak. :-)

    - B-Rex,

  2. Love it Wes! So happy with the image you found - just perfect for this cap!

    Elena Starz

  3. I like the normal white panels you have started using however I think you were onto something. Why not try using the white corners but with four curlers inside? It would have fit and still kept the uniform feel.

    Regardless, it's good to experiment. It's how you learn what does work and you might end up finding a new style you like even more.

  4. I like the first one
