
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Ask Me Anything

Megan Gwynn asked: There's no way we can persuade you to tell us who that pornstar was that you had your experience with? Maybe let us guess it? Pleeeeeaaaaase....

Me: I did think about it, but no. I don't think it's fair to use her real name when I don't even use my real name.

Anonymous asked: In the fictional sissy universe you created what happened to black women. and what happens to guys who are gay or transgendered.

Me: That's a good question because it hasn't really been covered in my captions. Black women are mostly the wives and girlfriends of black men. White women are girlfriends or fuck buddies. Then sissies are just sex toys. I keep saying I'll get to a caption featuring a black woman and I promise it is coming. I have the pictures I want to use set aside and a general plot in my head I just haven't written it yet. As for transgenders, they're the willing and happy sissies like Britney. I haven't really given any thought to what would happen to gay men. I suppose they would be forcibly feminized as well.

Anonymous asked: How can I tell my wife I'm ready for men?

Me: Wow, that's a big one. I have no idea. If you no longer have feelings for her (and hopefully you did at one time) then you need to be honest with her and end the marriage - it'd be unfair to do things behind her back. If you do still have feelings for her you still need to be honest but take it slowly. Try roleplaying or suggest watching a movie together. It's hard for me to say because i don't know how adventurous or open your relationship is right now. Also I'm not a marriage counselor and I've never been married.

WARNING: Do not click this jump unless you are prepared to read VERY OFFENSIVE language. We're talking about racial and homophobic slurs. I normally would never post this type of garbage but I felt like showing what the last few days have been like on my "ask me anything" gadget. You've been warned.

Anonymous asked: you fucking nigger faggot quit posting your nigger porch monkey bullshit. all you black fags can go back to fucking africa and be spook fags together. gof fuck yourself you spearchucker

Me: This is the second time I've gotten one like this. Not a big deal. Offensive in general but not specifically to me. I'm white. I find it more embarrassing that somebody still feels this way.

Anonymous asked: Real nice website faggot. I hope you and all your readers get AIDS while you fuck each other and read your queer captions. I love how you say you aren't gay on your site. You write captions about men getting fucked by "big old dicks" Your the biggest faggot on the web. Stop making your fag porn and just kill your self. Maybe your readers will to.

Me: As awful as this one is I like that he clearly has come to a site called "Interracial Sissy Captions," read at least a couple captions AND read some of my ask me anything. If you hate this stuff so much stop reading it you closeted headcase.

Anonymous asked: I'm not leaving my name because I don't want you to bitch and moan about me. I'm the one who asked if anybody actually likes your site. You gave a sarcastic answer so I thought I'd ask again, who reads your shit? I bet your pageviews are fake or just you hitting refresh over and over to satisfy your ego. You compare yourself to all the time, your captions are shit compared to hers. You do the same thing over and over and you think you're so fucking great. You're nobody and your site is garbage. Asshole.

Me: I didn't really answer your question because it's ridiculous. If you hate my site - stay away. It's that simple. I don't come to your house and force you to log in everyday. As for Nikki Jenkins. and her site, I do compare my site to hers pretty often but I've never said mine is better than hers or even equal to hers. I mention that site because I think it's the best caption site on the web and I strive to make mine as good as hers. Same thing over and over again? Maybe. I don't see it that way, though. I think between the different characters, scenarios, contests and multi-part stories I've actually done a decent job of keeping things new.

Anonymous asked: What's been up your ass, buddy

Me: Only your mom's tongue.

Ok, I better take that back. If you meant that to read, "Have you ever put anything up your ass?" Then the answer is no. But I don't think you meant it that way at all, so see the above answer.


Seriously, what the fuck did I do to anybody?

Anyway, that's over now. I'll never post stuff like the first two again. Those will just be deleted. I decided to post them just because I wanted to show the type of hateful garbage I get sometimes. I guess it probably looks pity-seeking. My thanks to the cool people who email and comment and the people with constructive criticism. It's always appreciated. Moving on...


  1. Holy shit Wes, where do these people come from? I'm sorry you deal with that nonsense. I wonder if all sites get trash like this? I hope you know that lots of us love your site and appreciate all the free work you do -Lolly Pop

  2. It really doesn't matter what you post. Many listeners = many trolls

  3. Pretty typical really. The anonymity of the web lends a glorious backbone to those that spew hate and unchecked aggression freely. Though I'm mostly not surprised because the main focus of you site's subject matter IS pretty racist and offensive to both black and white men.

    I definitely like your site and your captions, and I visit every day - sometimes multiple visits. But the reason WHY I like your captions is because they're so subversive and racist and all around AWFUL (as in subject matter in a PC context). I even find your perverted brazenness inspiring and invigorating.

    I cherish and still go back and re-read your earlier works, when you used Sarina Valentina and Kimber James a lot, depicting them as victimized white sissies - weak due their physically incompetent race when compared to the ignorant, perverted, violent and sadistic African Americans.

    Lol. Your site pretty much paints a big target on itself for unchecked aggression like those comments.

    Not that ANY of those comments are in anyway warranted or reasonable, or anything less than shameful.

    Don't stop, and don't change.

    1. I agree. I even said it on the blog once before. I marginalize everybody. I'm just making filthy porn for people to jerk to.
      I didn't mean for it to sound like I was being so sensitive. It was just all at once - I guess I just needed to vent.

  4. I know it's difficult, but ignoring comments like those is probably the best bet. I dealt with similar stuff when I first wrote the Omar Bell stories on Fictionmania, so I understand your frustration. It's pretty simple - if you don't enjoy racially motivated changes, don't click on a story that clearly states that's what it's about (or in your case, a website that has it right in the title).

    Either way, I personally enjoy your site. It's a fun take on one of my kinks. So keep up the good work, ignore the trolls, and have fun with it. That's what it's all about.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, It means a lot. Like I said to VinciIni, I hope posting it this time doesn't seem like me whining. But yeah, now that I've vented this once, stuff like this goes straight in the trash again.

  5. Vincilini hits it pretty square on the head - While it's certainly not asked for, the subject matter and nature of your site does seem to a perfect formula for trollish aggression. Still, I've always liked that you've been pretty up front about what you make and what you like.

    1. Thanks Simone. I do try not to make this site seem like anything more than the "trashy" porn that it is. I just want it to be good at that trashy porn. This was just a one-time Airing of Grievances ;)

  6. Please dont let such comments deter you from your excellent work!

    The phrase 'haters gonna hate' seems very appropriate here! I have been a keen fan and a avid follower of your site! In fact I have compiled a backup of all of the pictures you have made and published. In case you ever loose your data, please get in touch!

    Keep up the great work!!


    I have tried asking this question through the "Ask me anything" box several times, but not too sure whether you have ever received it or not.

    I am a Asian (Indian) Sissy, and as such I was wondering if you ever had plans of making a caption or a character from the sub-continent?? Also, have you ever considered making a caption with sissies dominating other sissies from different ethnic minorities (e.g. Indian dominating Chinese, etc.)? And if so, which race do you think would be the sissiest and which would be the least sissiest (excluding the Black race)?

    1. Thanks, and yes I did get your question. I answered it in one of my older "AMA." Basically i said that I would be interested in that idea. I'll answer the other question in my next AMA.

  7. If u getting hated on its just cus ur doing sumthin right keep up with the good work like a staving kid for candy im on here day after day looking for my fix lol honestly i dont know what id do if blogs like this one didn't exist thank u for doing what u do and dont ever stop pls :) from sissy sasha

    1. Thank you very much. I'll try to keep posting daily for you.

  8. Giggles....its ok hun i know we all get busy plus i dont mind rereading old ones :) i left u sum comments on ur new'est caption is there a place for me to join on ur blog im still new to the blog world

    1. Yes, on the left side. A blue button that says "Join Now." If you want to contact me directly, I don't have kik, but you can email me at or messge me on YM at WesMantooth702

  9. can people be so stupid .if you dont like something ,you dont like it .it is no reason to abuse someone .By the way do really like your captions.
